Über happy ^__~

Huhuhuhu waiting eagerly!~ I seriously LOVE their song Because I'm crazy, I listen to it EVERY day... feel like a freak -.-'
They're pretty talented. They write and make the choreography themsleves. Well they did it in their debut song (I think XD)

I seriously dare someone do that "doin-it-on-the-floor" move...

I always wonder how they think when they film the choreography... no just look at it. One of them have an ear muff, one have a wierd mask on the face and the third have a freaking autumn jacket -___-' The only one having okay cloths are Kimchi and Ho-ik *look at the arm muscles hohoho*

That's a really good way of describing it! Because... yeah I always thought of the little more opposite and... never mind! But he does look like a pure diva O__o even more than key heh...


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