Really? 0_0

TAKEN is different from most idol groups as they don’t take any direction from the agency. We have given them the freedom to perform the kind of music that they desire, and we will not be meddling with their plans.
They have come up with their own group name, as well as their concept, their songs for the album, and much more. They are without a doubt unique and will be expressing their individual colors


Well ehmm.. the first thing is I hope that you can handle the freedom. There isn't a lot of groups, or there isn't any groups at all that have this "power" over themselves. 
As I said before they didn't really give me a big impression. Their song was a bit catchy and they are good dancers but that's it. (here's the song)
It feels like they wont be able to handle such a "freedom" when they're still a rookie group. But you'll never know...
So I'll sit here behind a screen on my lap, sitting on the other side of the earth and just wait and see... wait and see -.- How many times have I been using that line?! O.o *forever alone with my screen*

It felt one of those *careface* posts XD


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