Day 24 - The SHINee member you would want as your brother

This one is very hard.

Okey, so Key would be very fun to have as a brother. I mean, just imagine going out shopping with him. It would be like having a best friend as your brother!

Then we have Onew. He would also be a great big brother. He seems very mature, but yet very funny! You know, just an awsome guy you would want to hang out with.

Minho. I don't know.. he might not be my ideal brother. But I guess.. why not? He's funny, cute and can rap ^^ I feel bad though. I like him alot, but maybe not as my brother..

Taemin. Hahahhaha he would be like my cute little big brother ^^ But he's maybe to cute. I mean, I don't want to get feelings for my older brother. That would just be wierd O.o Hahaha, so no. He's cute, funny and just.. %¤"#!" hahaha. But no ^^

And last but surely not least, Jonghyun. NEVER EVER would I want to have him as an older brother. First of all, just being in the same house. I would go crazy! I would never let him go, and that's not a very healthy realationship to have with your brother ^^ So, noo!!!!!!!!!! Not ever..

So a lot of text, and no desicion. But I gues that it would be Key ;D


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