This weeks U.P.A.H.I


It's photoshoped right? HAhahahaha yes it is XD

dfsdfhdhfdfdsf TT3TT

Oh jesus~ The picture where he winked with one eye =3= 

As you can see this weeks U.P.A.H.I (Uber Pretty And Hot Idol, don't bully me because of that name XD) Is our Bingu T.O.P. His voice makes him 1010100101101100010x more sexier. Or he is already 4943293249... you know let's skip that. I'm quiet amazed because he must be the only idol out there that has such a big popularity without showing himself half naked or anything (haven't shown any skinn*). Or at least he's the one who has lasted the "longest". Bad was of explaining, oh well~ ^_^


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