G-Dragon's second album

A lot of people already knows about this but for you who didn't here you have som info abou it:
Fans predict that the release of this album will mirror that of "Heartbreaker" in 2009 and be released on his birthday - August 18th. To this, YG Entertainment has expressed, "The details of the schedule have yet to be confirmed, but we're shooting for an August release."

"Heartbreaker" showed amazing sales, breaking the 20,000 mark. His upcoming album is equally anticipated, as YG revealed in March that G-Dragon would be collaborating with Ludacris for the album.
There has been some rumours that his teaser would be released on his birthday instead. He has also been working out a lot for his new album dunno if it is for his sake or to promote the album in a new way...
The Swedish kpop site also uploaded a picture that can be his Solo album picture but they found it at instagram~ ^^

Postat av: ~Paula

Jag kanske inte borde men jag ser fram emot det LOL

2012-08-07 @ 18:58:35
URL: http://petrichorious.blogspot.com

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