Miss A - Touch MV

IT'S OUT!!!~

Yeeeeah.. not as good as I thought it would be O__o And Min!!!! She let her hair grow! Not that bad actually, but I perfer "korky Min", and she looks more korky with short hair ^^

And the dance (sorry for all the "hate". It's not actually hate, it's just thoughts. Don't get me wrong, I like Miss A!!! Or at least I like Min ^^). The dance was kind of simple.. yes! That's my word for this MV + song. Simple. Simple doesn't mean bad, it just means.. simple ^^

They belong to JYPent. and if you look at Wonder Girls and 2PM, they are NEVER simple!!! So what happened here? O.o Okey.. it's not THAT simple. But I guess you get what I mean ^^

Postat av: Daniella

Haha precis så tänker jag också ;o

Asiater ska raka av sitt hår eller ha mustach, tycker inte det är snyggt ;/

2012-02-20 @ 21:55:24
URL: http://daniellas.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Jasmin utan e ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Håller med helt~ Låten var inte dålig, MV:n var inte dålig, dansen var inte dålig, i det stora hela så var allting helt okey. Men det var inte heller sådär outstanding som Miss A's låtar, wtc. brukar vara >_>

2012-02-21 @ 01:26:10
URL: http://jasminutane.blogg.se/

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