Super Junior facts~ ^__^

“Once Eunhyuk went to a CD shop and bought a Super Junior album. The shop keeper didn’t recognise Eunhyuk, and asked him “Oh, you like SuJu?””
Ouch! hahahah ;D
“Leeteuk once got hurt on his hand and he didn’t cover it on purpose, because he wanted E.L.F to be curious and worry about him.”
“Bonamana sold 72000 albums in one week, Mr. Simple sold 79000 in one week, and Sexy, Free and Single sold 84000 albums in one week.”
“Sungmin often seeks for fashion advice from Eunhyuk, Donghae, and Yesung, because they have good fashion sense.”
“Siwon is always the first to apologize when he is gets into a fight with someone.”
“Yesung is a very hard working person. When Super Junior is in the process of recording for their new  albums, Yesung is always the first to arrive at the studio and the last to leave.”
Because Eunhyuk drools so much in his sleep, once the members collected Eunhyuk’s drool when he was sleeping and showed them to him the next morning.
When Heechul fights with Donghae, it will be violent, where they throw things at each other. When Heechul is fighting with Eunhyuk, they don&#8217;t talk to each other - like a cold war.
&#8220;Once Yesung was bullying Donghae so Donghae called Yesung’s mother and told on him.&#8221;
Omg hahaha dorks will always be dorks~
&#8220;Before debuting, Shindong went to the SM Entertainment company and saw Yunho from DBSK. He wanted to take a picture of Yunho without getting caught, so he acted like he was talking to  someone on his phone while taking the picture. In the end, Shindong got the picture, but he also got caught.&#8221;
&#8220;Whenever Super Junior is on a tour, Yesung always borrows the master key for Super Junior’s hotel rooms from their manager. Yesung visits every member’s rooms when they’re asleep. He stays in each room for up to 20 minutes!&#8221;
Oh right! HAHAHA I remember this one! They talked about this in a show, why they didn't like to sleep beside Yesung I think ;D My little creeper.. or.. yeah that is kinda creepy =__=
&#8220;Eunhyuk really likes the Korean Drama “Secret Garden”.&#8221;
&#8220;Yesung is very stingy. Whenever someone borrows something from him, he always records it in his notebook.&#8221;
&#8220;Eunhyuk can’t tell the difference between cupcakes and muffins.&#8221;
Is there a difference between them? O__O
For more suju facts drag your mouse *kekeke see what I did there?* HEEEEERRREEE!!!
Btw I couldn't find that "next" button if you want to go to another page just write:
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Postat av: Daniella

Sv: Yes I'm back :D
Btw, jag älskar eran header x)
Asså cupcake där typ när du har frosting/strössel/andra dekorationer på medans muffins så har du inte det, det är bara typ en chokladmuffins och inget mer på.. Jag tror att det är det dom menar XD Fast jag säger cupcake till både och, tycker det är samma sak :p

2012-07-28 @ 14:57:45

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