Movie Recomendation: Death Game Park

Dunno why but I have this thing when it comes to survival games or mind games in general. Love watching those, Hunger games are one of those, Liar game, Death note, Battle Royale etc. and here's the latest one Death Game Park.


Everyone thinks that Death Game Park would be something similiar to Battle Royale but it wasn't. It had its own "unique" story. I can clearly say this for you guys who doesn't like blood: There isn't a single disgusting scene. I was pretty surprised as well because survival games like this usually have it, sure some of them died in a brutal way but there was no blood u___u

However everything was flowing in a really good way and then the end came. I was like "Wtf..." I even had to search for it XD There's a lot of interpretetions on the ending but it still didn't make sense for me, some people say that you're in a computer game playing every character etc. (Click here) You who said that Davinchi Code was hard to underestand then watch this...
But I still recomend you guys to see it and today is a perfect day to do it ^^ In Sweden... rainy, cold and Friday everything is served in a nice silver plate! *<-- the heck was that? >_>*




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