Some comments on BIG BANG'S "Monster"

It feels unnecessary to post the MV again so I'm gonna write a seperate post on Big Bangs Monster...

DAMN! They're just amazing! Everything made sense XD It was a complete song not 3 different ones that I always commented to each teaser. I seriously LOVED the rap between GD and T.O.P in the beginning. I wouldn't mind if 85% of the song went that way. The melody combined with their rap is just kjsadgkda <333 TT^TT My life is completed! Or not... The song I've been waiting for from the beginning is "Pedigree" I'm having REALLY high (maybe a little bit to high..) expectations on that song~ :3

Oh right did you guys notice this? *abrupt change*


THIS is what I call a genius! O_____________O  Or a person who can think reeeeaaalllyy far OuO Not an impossible thing to solve but this wouldn't really be the first thing to cross my mind "Hm... what that? OH! N = 14!! Then R = 18! Oh I think I'm getting it!"

I see what you did there YG... touché


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