KPOP flashmob, 2PM

Know that the sound sucks, but still. We has sooo much fun just freakin' out like that! ^^ What I bet though, is that no one noticed all the people around us while dancing!! Hahahahhaa, I mean, just look:

Hahhahaha, wonder what they were thinking ^^ Probably that they wanted to join us, don't you think? (*^^*) Anyhwoooo, we had a lot of fun and that's the point! :D



Forever alone~ TT__TT

My T-shirt



We were supposed to bring a white t-shirt with us where everyone could just.. write/draw anything they wanted. 

Lol... didn't really see what Bo wrote, saw that when we ehh... came back to the dorm... and he had to visit his mom again XD
And this time manager Lee was on a noodle date this time HAHAHAHAHAHAAH (I sometimes love myself)
(date #1 - Sushi date, date #2 BBQ date, date #3 noodle sate XD wonder what the next date will be...)

I remember that I wrote "Big" on a girls chest (hers) and "BANG!" on the second one XD It took me awhile before I got the joke...

Yet another Video ^^

This one had a little better quality and sound. I'm the one in the "hat" with sunglasses. I'm the one joining the flashmob at the "da, da, da, darrada, darrada" part in SUJU's Sorry Sorry. B.R.A is the one in the M2STACH that runs up to me in Brown Eyed Girls Abracadabra.

B.R.A's point of view

I'm so tired TT__TT I seriously crawled up the stairs to my room, crawled I didn't use my feets just my legs I have to write this post fast before I ZZzzzZzzZz

Well it was an awesome day of course!!!! I was totally hyped up after the whole thing. Unfortunelly, I had to go home so me and Bo was there until Hands up (extra performance after the actual kpop song thing...)
Do you know what the best thing is? You stand there and just talk 3295343526 km/h and get a fan-girl-rage with someone you've never met before, and don't even know his/her name, but it feels like you've been best friend... since birth?! That's the greatest things with these kind of things.

Me and Bo are really grateful for everything and if you as a reader was there and is reading this, Thank you!!! You saw the mixed version of M2stash XD
Bo freaked out in the beginning and wanted to... ehh.. yeah let's skip that.

I met (almost) everyone I wanted to meet (However Jasmin and Sanna wasn't there :/ ) But I saw Yang, Greta, Jessie and a lot of new people. It's funny how you meet someone and think "Ohh so she must me around... 15?, 16?" and then BAAAM! Their answer is "No I'm actually 20 years old" Hahahahahaha if you just saw my face. It happened 3 times XD

I really like this picture XD

Ps. I'm sorry, sorry, sorry~~ the text can be a bit wierd because I have nooo idea what I've beeen writing...
to tired...


Can you see us? (*^^*)

Hahahhaha, we look like little babies having fun! (Well.. I guess that that was pretty much what we were ^^)

Yang, me and B.R.A :D

Version #2

So here you have the same clip as B.R.A posted before, bt with better sound ^^ More videos will come up!

Kpop flashmob

Found a clip from the flashmob. I'm sorry but we have guests etc. so I can't really blog about the day but it was freaking AWESOME! ASKDLGBSSDG!!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I SERIOUSLY STAND OUT! You can see Bo at the beginning and me hahaha...
I'm popping up at Abracadabra and the funny thing is that everyone is sitting "down/on the floor"
and all of a sudden you can see B.R.A running to Bo...

Bo - Niiiceeee
B.R.A - That probably looks really ugly on the video

Flashmob in Sweden!

Well you guys, Just read that Sweden will have a flashmob on October 22th!!!! So if you feel like it you should join! Here's the information:

Vi möts mellan klockan 12.00-13.00 22 oktober vid Kungsträdgården
OM det är några som kommer lite senare meddela mig då! 
och om det är några som kommer med tåg/buss och inte hittar runt, berätta även det för mig! så fixar vi det! 
Vi kommer stå med en skylt där det står "KPOP SWEDEN" 
Så ni hittar oss ^_^

Där har vi kul haha XD 
Pratar/Fangirlig-fanboying/Lyssna på musik/dansa(Tränar in dansen) M.M! 
Ta även med en vit T-shirt/linne (som ni inte är så rädda om) 
För jag kommer ta med mig permanenta färgpennor! Så kan vi ha kul med det! ( blir som ett litet minne + matchar vi varandra under dansen!)

Vi kommer sedan gå ner till Plattan och "uppträda" kl 17.00 (ifall de blir för mörkt så kan vi ändra tiden på plats!) 

efter kan vi bestämma oss för att gå och äta eller något! (hörde att de fanns en Koreansk resturang i stockholm ;D hahaha XD)

Det vi söker efter just nu = Någon som filmar och något vi kan spela musiken ur, så det hörs en bra bit! 
Meddela mig om ni vet något, känner någon som kan filma!

här kan i hitta tutorialvideona -->

MEN för att vara med så måste ni berätta de genom att kommentera! (nu när all information finns här, så kan ni bara kommentera ifall ni ska komma eller inte!^^ )


And for all of you other people from other countires, a video of the flashmob WILL be uploaded in youtube. so stay tuuuned!!! ;D

We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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