Look alike: Joo Sang Wook & Seungri

Oh dear lord! I just found the future Seungri, 10 years later! XD Their faces are a copy and that gaze and smile!!! It's just adsfkjsdfsajk!! I "found" the actor Joo Sang Wook on a Running Man episode (76 & 77) that guy is amazing and awkward ;D I thought it was Seungris dad for a moment =_=
No but they're awefully alike in many ways, he's an older version of Seungri ^^ Or to be more exact Seungri is an older version of Sang Wook.
Gahh I'M LOSING IT SOON!!! I JUST HAVE TO SCREAM *Caps* IT!! MY EYES IS TWITCHING 24/7 THE HECK DO I KNOW WHY BUT IT'S TWITCHING MORE AND MORE (Compared to before) People think that I'm a psychopath =_= Something is wrong... *duhh*
