Relatable stuff..

Oh... I did that one time (the picture with GD and Gaho) they seriously thought he was my bf but got a bit "ehh?" when they saw his blonde hair XD That was one of the most sweetest moments in my life >__>

Macro time =3= [#21]

Lol XD
E.T phone home

Macro time =3= [#20]

My... *sight~* dad always does that and everytime he does it, it sounds empty XD
Lots of Suju macros lately...

Reasons to Love... #2

Big Bangs "Lies"-era

T.O.Ps hand motions


Macro time =3= [#19]

Gosh I miss Heechul...

Macro time =3= [#18]

Suju special~~

Macro time =3= [#17]

Haha so true
[IMG]   [IMG]

Macro time =3= [#16]

Troll XD
OMG HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH X'D This gif made my day! Look at T.O.P, proud that he hit him XD 

Macro time =3= [#15]

He looked like Hyunseung in the last gif :o
I wanted to write "Where is Minho then?" and the picture spoke for itself...

Kpop gifs in relatable stuff~

I visited a random blog and the person uploaded different macros on so-relatable things in life and one of them had some kpop gifs in it and I started to fangirl, alone... XD So I've been looking around here and there and found some related to kpop or Korea in general ^o^

Macro time =3= [#14]

Omg HAHAHAHA GD and Gaho!! X''D
Who in the world would ever relate that to fried rice?!
Bo... T.O.P is everywhere ;w;

Macro time =3= [#13]

Lol, damn that's honesty XD

Macro time =3= [#12]


Macro time =3= [#11]

[IMG]       [IMG]

Reasons to Love... #1

Big Bang's "La La La"-era.

Their Shirt-Lifts mehehehhee

Big Bang - La La La


Macro time =3= [#10]

Omg I remember seeing this yt clip XD
O____________O Hahahahahahah X''D
Wait... I'm a bit mindfucked over here. The first on trolling is D.O and the last guy is Chanyeol but who the heck is the guy in the middle?! I don't remember anyone looking like that in EXO XD

Macro time =3= [#9]

Oh right! We know that some of our categories doesn't really work and so on. But we'll fix that during our break and maybe some more on le blog~ So we're sorry if you haven't been able to check out some specific thing on our blog ;w;
*sight*~ Please make a comeback soon ;___; I've been waiting for it so long now... all the other fandoms has already been spazzing around even V.I.P's!! >____>
Dat small hand...

Macro time =3= [#8]

Omg XD
[IMG]   [IMG]
Trololololo ;'''D                                                                                <--- Fits perfectly to that macro

Macro time =3= [#7]



Macro time =3= [#6]

That's my mom...

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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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