Those hidden muscels and abs - SHINee

Let me guess you were just a normal person that came to our blog and scrolled here and there, and the BAM! You read the titel and that inner fangirl shrieked out.

Truth to be told I never thought that ANYONE from SHINee had something called muscles because they don't really expose it like other groups... they actually haven't it's pretty impressive compared with MBLAQ's Oh yeah hahahaha that was the most random shit I saw when I was new in kpop, gosh... X'D

Well instead of taking all the space let us see these pictures from SHINee exposing themselves *perv*. It seems that Minho have worked out a bit, Jonghyun have always had these tiny abs and Onew... did you guys know that Onew had abs?! ò_Ó ... interesting...

Ó_ò Note: That dude with blue t-shirt that's folding up his sleev and thinks that he's exposing himself and totally feel awesome... <--- going a bit over board




LMAO!! xD This year best photoshoped picture!

I feelt like a big fat perv when I saved these pictures -.-' *forever perv*
Hahahaha key didn't... and Taemin... you get it...

I just wanna..

.. Kill my self!!!! Look at this picture:

He's in the middle of the street in Russia. And the picture was taken today -.- If only I could have been there. Look, Imagen that you find him there.. all alone. With no fans around him. That means that you could just run up to him and start talking. Maybe get his email? Hahhaha lol, maybe not. But still!!! 

GOSH.... I know that if he just gives me one look, he'll fall in love *dreaming*.
Well, I can always dream (*^^*)

Minho goes buff!

HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN THIS FREAKIN PICTURE?! Well, macro. But you know what I mean. Okey, so my reactions:

1. OMG... who is that?
2. That looks photoshopped O.o
3. *Thinking about Lee Joon and his abs*
4. What's wrong with the belly-button?

B.R.A calls me and says that it's Minho from SHINee


Hhahaha, he is gonna get soo many fans now! But that's better for me though. Now ShaWols (SHINee fans) might not give Jonghyun so much attention, wich gives me a bigger chans with him (*^^*)

SHINee - Lucifer JAPANESE ver. teaser

1 reaction: OMG... that is sooo hot!!! Cant' wait!
2 reaction: JONGHYUN!!!!!!!! ♥
3 reaction: It sounds much better in korean ^^
4 reaction: Why do they say "Lucifer" in a different way? I mean, it's in english right? They say it in an english accent on the korean version. So do they really have to make a japanese accent on the word "Lucifer" on this version? Just saying xD
5 reaction: Dude, why did Taemin get so much "screen play"? But boy, can he dance!!! He looks soo hot (*^^*)

O_o Omo....

Why oh jesus why?!  TT_____TT
These are some pictures from a flash mob in Russia. SHINee went there to judge.
Seriously Sweden actually sucks! I played Wordfeud with a guy who comes from USA and this was our conversation:

(B.R.A)B- So were do you live then?
(Guy) G- In New York, wich part in America do you live in?
B - Really ;O Ehh... I live in Sweden
G - OMG! That is so cool!!! That's so awesome!
B - Actually not... Sweden sucks >.>

Yeah I said that Sweden sucks, and it does . <--- End of discussion

Betting 10 bucks that they were dansing Ring Ding Dong on the first pic >:3 *Sight*


Jonghyun, really? ^^

I don't know if you guys have ever seen this before, but this kinda ruined my image of him..

Can't see it? I'll help you:

Still noo?? How about noow??

Yeah, that's right!!! Jonghyun has a severe damage of treasure trail. You know, the hair from your bellybutton growing down? But it's wierd though. I mean, he has no hair anywhere else, but then out of nowhere BAAAAAM(!!), treasure trail..

But hey, he is still my bias and I'll love him no matter what!! Not even having treasure trail will make me groused out ♥

Minho, my man!

On September 13, SHINEE’s Minho participated in MBC 2011 Idol Athletic Championship. Minho participated in 100m hurdle race.

Minho won first places for the first and second Idol Athletic Championship’s hurdle races, and was expected to win this round, as well.

As soon as the starting signal went off, Minho set off like a lightening. He ran ahead of all other celebrities.

The commentator remarked, “He’s like a CF. He runs like Liu Xiang the Chinese hurdler who won Olympic medals.”


I really want to see this. But Nobody seems to put the clips up on youtube, only small part :( But maybe it's becuase it's not a show, it's more like the real olympic games. They go for hours!!!!

But anywhoo.. well done minho, well done!!

Wish I was in Singapore T.T


Juliette (Live)

Hello!!! So yesterday SHINee made an appearance in TV Asahi's  “Music Station”.
They got very positive reactions from the netizens (People online ^^).

I actually liked this performance. And it looks like they got some rest if you watch their last Live apperence. If you did not see it.. Hahaha, I tried to find it on youtube but could not?? But on that clip, Jonghyun voice cracked alot and they all just looked very tired. Maybe it was'nt their last Live apperence. Maybe it was at the beginning of this year? Haha I dont remember.

But anywhooo, in this apperence they sounded great according to me! ;)

The dancing machine!

:O Taemin was a baby from god when he was in elementary school, jesus look at him!
But you can see that he was really camera shy back then, the kid blink his eyes 234435784368 times in a minut hahahahahah nah I'm not going to be mean now, he has improved a lot! ^_^ *proud fan*

Mixed emotions...

First expression: ahh food... I am hungry!
Second: Oh gosh its like Lady and the Tramp, DON'T!
Third: are you competing now?
Fifth: Don't fall down from the chair... >.<

SHINee pre-debut!!

Not much have changed. But let me just say.. they do look hotter now. Hahaha, don't know how that works.. that they haven't changed but still looks better now. Maybe it's because they got hair stylists and make-up artists now?
I mean.. they did look hot before, but with their new haircuts and make up on they look sooo much better! Don't you agree? So I guess that if EVERY korean had a different haircut and some make up on they would all look hot. WOW... I am soooo going to marry a korean ^^

But anywhooo. What do you guys think of the SHINee members then and now? Do you see any big changes?

SHINee - JoJo

OUF!! At the begining, when Jonghyun sings like that. SHIIIET!! ^^ hahaha, but this song is not getting out of my head?! "Hey.. my jojo. Love.. yes jojo"

Man.. I really need to start looking at some other kpop groups. I'm stuck on MBLAQ and SHINee ^^ But I'm starting to listen to B2ST and I know that I should start with BingBang soon. And soon it will be! ;)

I like this version of Juliette better... xD

OMG.. this is just..

"Sweat ran down Key's face as he laid in Jonghyun's bed, sheets crumpled up at his feet. Jonghyun moved in a repetitive motion, trying to find that right spot as he thrusted in and out. "Unghh I can't take this anymore Jonghyun," Key groaned. "Be patient Kibum," Jonghyun grunted, sweat dripping quickly down his face, as he continued to search for that one spot that would satisfy them both. "GO FASTER YOU IDIOT!" Key screamed not wanting Jonghyun to take his time. Jonghyun pushed faster, and finally with one small 'click' Key thrashed around the bed in a frenzy. "THERE JONGYUN, GO HARDER AT THERE!" He yelled. They had both been waiting for this moment for the past hour. Jonghyun gave one last push, and pulled the straightened bobby pin out of the jammed door lock. The other band members worried faces came into view as he opened the door. "Are you guys alright?" Onew asked,"You were locked in that room for a long time without any airconditioner."

HAHAHAHAHHAAHHA, now read it one more time. It's not as kinky as it was before now when you know what it's really about ^^

SHINee misstakes #2

I just can't get enough!!!! So funny at 2:42, 3:06, 3:28 ^^

And at 4:10. Hahaha "Taemin: OH yeah I forgot I was JUST about to scratch my neck, coincidentaly. :)"
And then 4:30, when Jonghyun just sitts there like..  yeah.. HAHHA that's my Bias ^^


SHINee misstakes

Haha, onew.. All the falls and his voice cracking up ^^. But truth is that he has an amazing voice. When you hear his voice crack up like that you know that he sings for real. And always tight before his voice cracks up he sounds great!!!! Then at 3:50 when Jonghyun dosen't sing in to the mic, SOOO cute! Or when Taemin actually caught his at at 4:16, that's impressive ;) haha :D

Update: Hahhahaha, when Taemins voice cracks up at 5:54. SOOOO cute!!!! And it kinda sounds like when goofy laughs ^^

Just died a little..


GAHHH, I JUST.. SHII*T!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.. no, this is not fun anymore -.- (okeey, mood swings? ^^). No but seriously.. I have to say something. I like guys. YEPP, there.. I said it. I freeeeakin' LOVE guys! So seeing this makes me go crazy! Don't you?! I mean, how can you resist such a handsome face?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

I really need to see this show.  have seen it before, it's apparently called "Hello Baby" or something like that. But first I need to finish MBLAQ Idol Army and MBLAQ kkaeal player ^.^

Lucifer Dance to Roly Poly song ^^

HAHAHAHHAHA! Why does it fit so well?! It's crazy how well SHINee's dance to Lucifer fits T-ara's song Roly Poly!

Key from SHINee dances MBLAQ's Mona Lisa!

As you should know by know, MBLAQ is my favorite kpop group. But SHINee is a great 2#. So seeing Key from SHINee dance to MBLAQ's Mona Lisa was very thrilling for me (*^^*) hahaha. Yes.. very easily entertained.

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