A deep moment...


"I hope Pinocchio was a doll forever. I wish Sleeping Beauty would sleep forever. And I wish that Peter Pan was an old man. Sorry, that’s too good to be true."


-U-Kiss: Alexander

"I want to buy a house for my family"

HAHAHAHAHAHAH this must be the best quote! XD  

-T-max: Yun Hwa. [mnet interview]

"I know about women. I know that they’re not men."


-SHINee: Minho.

"To be honest, if you end up liking a girl, wouldn’t she look pretty no matter what she wears?"


-2PM Taecyeon

"Honestly, I don’t like posing normally when I take pictures"

Me neither >__>  

-2PM Taecyeon

"I dislike fighting."

 TT^TT <3  

-Big Bang: Seungri.

"I feel sometimes whatever I said will be misquoted and everyone will think that I’m an arrogant and irritating guy. So I hope everyone will not misinterpret my words and actions. I’m not a bad guy, hope everyone understands that whatever my thoughts are, there are reasons and conclusions."


-SHINee: Key.

"You can’t choose between Love and Friendship. They’re like a package: You either get both or you lose both…"




"I’m so glamorous even in pajamas."

   HAHAHAHAHA this and the "I want to buy a house for my family" must be the best one XD

-Super Junior: Hee Chul





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