A quick recomendation ^w^

Saw the show SUPER JUNIOR-Explorers of the Human Body I thought it was an one episode show thing but it was a whole freaking serie -___- Saw episode 9 were TVXQ showed up. Without noticing the time was 06.00 XD *shame*

But seriously watch it X'D You'll laugh the whole time~
I was pretty surprised when I saw Kibum and Hangeng over there O___o

It's probably the show when they did that wierd gas thing that made every member laugh 31596295 times XD
I wanted to count how many that were in the show, shesus the whole group doesn't even fit in the camera -__- so they have to cut them in half when they film . . .

It's funny how I saw 12 in the show but in this pic it's only 9 O__o

Ahh my bad it was 13 after all... All of a sudden I thought that Suju consisted 15 members -.- Because of thise phrase PROM15E TO 13ELIEVE.

Hahahahahahah XD A quote "It seem to be a little to full here..."

Postat av: sanna


när dom använder skrattgasgrejen.. jag skrattade nästan mer än vad dom gjorde xDD

2011-12-18 @ 15:54:13
URL: http://pabo.blogg.se/

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