Hapsa B.R.A
It means happy sad -___- Well I had my final test for this year!!!! (actually for this term before the holiday but it sounds more awesuume when you say year XD )
I STAYED UP TILL 03:30 PM GOT ALL HAPPYFACE CUZ I KNEW EVERYTHING AND I COULD SLEEP FOR 2 HOURS!!! But the last part about the financial economics was ASDGJLADSGJ for me, didn't have the energy to read that anymore. So I read really careful on the parts that I thought would come up during the test but NOOOOO!!! THAT BASTARD HAD TO CHOSE QUESTION ABOUT THE FINANCIAL ECONOMICS!
RAAAGGEEEE!!! Sat there all quiet for 15 minutes because of that test -.-
Well it went as it went, now I've learned unnecessary things (the ones that didn't show up in the test -.-) Yeah my brain will get to full...
BUT IT'S WEEKEND FOR ME NOW!!!! Gonna be be home for 4 days MUHAHAHAH!! Kpop, youtube & manga FREAAAKK!!! Mehehehe...
Well the update will get better now, it's soon christmas to so that's another reason, gonna sit all alone at home and be a no lifer... ê___ê
so true..
gjorde mirotic mvgrejen som tidsinställt, på varenda video med dom är alltid nån som kallar dom för traitors..
sv; japp! ^^
haha men papa rain är ju the king of abs! 8DD