That worthless day of mine...

My day:
* Sleeping
* Eating
* Watching a japanese movie
* Eating
* Now - nothing

What I should've done:
* Cleaning
* Doing my homeworks
* Doing my homeworks x2
* Eat a little
* Be nice

Such a productive day -.- I have a quote: "NEVER do your homeworks during the weekends" that's why we have weekends... ^w^
And about the nice thing hahahaha XD I'm a really rude and mean bitch, seriously. A year ago I promised my friends that I would be nice ONE day. They laughed. Even BO. But I was nice for one day but it was so exhausting, and they saw it XD
AND! I promised another friend that I would be nice toward her during a whole day (24 hours) if I were mean or said a a something bad I had to give her 5 bucks. I lost 15 bucks that day TT^TT

Just beeing honest here X'3

midorisaranghae:  lockandkeycafe:  kpop-in-the-sky:  boyfriendstore:   I’m thankful for kpop.  Aren’t you guys too? ^O^ I don’t even know what I’d be doing without it e_e  my wallet is not thankful for kpop for sure e______________e do you realize how much a fangirl spends on merch. OTL but my soul is ♥  ^ THIS I’ve spent a ton of money of Infinite merch and I’m working on B2ST now ;A; my poor wallet ~  I’d still be a little puddle of depressed goo if not for K-Pop.

I am... it gives every kpop fan a dream to achive
#1 Go to korea # Rape/kidnap/take his/her bias. This thing made me and BO get even more closer ^^
Kpop = Family, Friends & Enemies <3 F.F.E

Gosh... I got deep all of a sudden O___O *wierd* ...



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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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