That worthless day of mine...
My day:
* Sleeping
* Eating
* Watching a japanese movie
* Eating
* Now - nothing
What I should've done:
* Cleaning
* Doing my homeworks
* Doing my homeworks x2
* Eat a little
* Be nice
Such a productive day -.- I have a quote: "NEVER do your homeworks during the weekends" that's why we have weekends... ^w^
And about the nice thing hahahaha XD I'm a really rude and mean bitch, seriously. A year ago I promised my friends that I would be nice ONE day. They laughed. Even BO. But I was nice for one day but it was so exhausting, and they saw it XD
AND! I promised another friend that I would be nice toward her during a whole day (24 hours) if I were mean or said a a something bad I had to give her 5 bucks. I lost 15 bucks that day TT^TT
Just beeing honest here X'3
I am... it gives every kpop fan a dream to achive
#1 Go to korea # Rape/kidnap/take his/her bias. This thing made me and BO get even more closer ^^
Kpop = Family, Friends & Enemies <3 F.F.E
Gosh... I got deep all of a sudden O___O *wierd* ...