Bi Rain gets the 'Respect Reward'

On November 17, military officials said, “Rain will receive the ‘Respect Award’ among five citations, such as Loyalty, Courage, Responsibility, Respect, and Originality Awards.”

“There is not a big difference between the five awards, but we decided to give Rain the’ Respect Award’ because Rain was considerate and respected other soldiers during the five week training.”

Not bad at all Rain!! Haha you go boy!!! 8D
Hope that these 2 years will go fast. We want you back with MBLAQ (and I'm a poet without even knowing it.. because back and MBLAQ rhymes ^^) Plus that we want Heechul back.. and all of the others that have gone to the military.

Bi Rain and group Koyote’s Beck-Ga today.


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