Just wanted to brag...

And show you guys my awesome bad-ass iphone shell ^0^

The light is pretty bad, it looks better "live" >:3

E.L.F, A+ and SHAWOL ;D

My top 4 AKDSGBH!! - groups
Sure I like a lot of groups but 2PM, Super Junior, MBLAQ and SHINee is, how can you say it... has a bigger "place" in my heart ;)
And if you haven't noticed it there's 3 flowers on the back together with 2PM and it's the same colour as
the-fan-name x__x

So it should probably be easier to find B.R.A on saturday (3 days left!!!), during the flashmob XD

Later (around 2 weeks later) when it's holiday, I'll probably have a little contest/competition or whatever, where you can win something *well duhhh* -.-
EVERYONE can be in it, even for you guys who don't live in Sweden
But more info later...

XOXO <-- so not me! *ahh* bitchy voice


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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