My bad... S.I.M.P #21

I never posted S.I.M.P 21 yesterday I was too tired XS But there'll be dubble today :3
I don't really think that you care about this hahahahaha Yea I'm lame and awesome! ^^ <-- How I met your mother.

This is actually one of my favourite songs with Infinite, it was the first song I ever heard with them but I somehow like their remix better >w<
And I feel sorry for the maknae as usuall.
Okey what else to write.........................................................................................................................
So now I've filled out the space huhuhuhuhu -.-

#1 I'm tired
#2 My cereals taste nothing
#3 My buss will come soon...

INFINITE - Be mine


I love korean fans X'D

The korean version of Backstreet boys...


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