S.I.M.P #25

Okey I am going to chose the most wierdest kpop song in my phone... I think that I deleted all of those for a few days ago xS Let me check...

Ohh look at that! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA found one!! YAY~~
Seriously I think that neither of you know who this guy is if I don't post a photo. He's more of an actor that singer but he does have a lot of songs however this is in a drama he played in called "Mary stayed out all night", an epic drama 8D

Jang Geun Suk - My buss

I remembered that I had another song from this drama, I like this one better thought. It's catchy :D
It's one of those happy-go-lucky songs

Jang Geun Suk - Hello Hello

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL The previous picture I uploaded, FAIL! TT___TT


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