Day 11 - Your favorite SHINee music video

Gosh.. I bet everyone think's that I'll take Lucifer. Truth is that Lucifer is probably their best MV. But that would be sooo boring! Lucifer and Ring Ding Dong is like the only song's I've used in 30 days of SHINee :(

You know what that means? That means that I'm not going to pick Lucifer. Nope, I'm going to pick... Hello.
Why? Well..

Reason 1: They are soooo freakin' cute in this mv!!!!!
Reason 2: It kinda has a story in it.
Reason 3: Jonghyun.. my SHINee bias, looks sooooooo good in this MV!!
Reason 4: This MV can actually make me blush (*^^*)


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