Getting confused...

You know a few weeks ago I wrote down every groups and members name and my brain is exploding soon!
I have forgotten every code (like for visa cards), birthdays etc because of so many names!!!!
And the worst is, more is just popping up!
I want to learn every group and the members name but seriously it's getting impossible especially these 6-7 boy groups that are new/"new"

* B2ST - 6 members
* INFINITE - 7 members
* U-KISS - 7 members "9" with the former
* Teen Top - 6 members (well now I know all their names...)
* Boyfriend - 6 members (?)

These five groups are killing me -.- Right NOW every korean guy looks the same >.<
Here are the groups and members names my poor brain know.

* FT Island - 5 members
* MBLAQ - 5 members
* TVXQ/DBSK - 5 member
* Super Junior - 13 members (<--- It was a hell... took me around 2 days)
* SHINee - 5 members
* U-KISS - "9" members (now 7)
* Teen Top - 6 members
* 2PM - 7 members (now 6) 
* CN Blue - 4 members
* SS501 - 5 members
* F.Cuz - 4 members (now 3)
ANNNDD * M2STASCH!!! - 2 members hahaha XD

Then we have all these extra:
Bi Rain
T.O.P (Big Bang)
G-Dragon (Big Bang)
Nana (After School)
Uee (After School)
Yoseob (B2ST)
Jang Geun Suk

And a lot of other names that I can't come up right now...
68 names when it comes to groups and 77 names if you count "every one" Jesus I am going nuts over here -.-'
And I will learn more names... So If you want anything just contact me [email protected] hahahaha :'D

Here's an awesome picture on Super Junior instead. Do you think that I would upload every single group?! Hell no
They look a lot so it's good enough xD


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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