S.I.M.P #2

Here comes another Suju songs, trust me there'll be a lot x'D
But I really like this they are sooooo awesomeee!!!

Super Junior - Superman

How can everyone in the group rap so well?! O_o
And is it only me who can hear (directly) when Ryeowook sings, raps or whatever? He surely stands out... ^^
I don't know why but I literally DIEEE when i hear Yesung. He must be in my top 3 best voices evah! His voice is so... special?

Bam bam bam bam BAM BAM! ----II----

Postat av: Daniella.

Haha i love it ;D

Okej inte många som har svarat men de som har, har sagt Hands Up eller båda två ;p

Okej tack ^^

2011-09-14 @ 14:57:21
URL: http://augustchild.webblogg.se/
Postat av: Sofia - Uddevallas största modeblogg!

Ha en bra dag!

Kram :)

2011-09-14 @ 14:59:21
URL: http://smnmode.blogg.se/

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