3 fresh non debut male groups - 2012

A long time ago I wrote about a male group that will debut this year, ESQ. Well they haven't debuted yet so... But I found 3 new male groups on that list yesterday:

BO That Yedang group seem to be something for you, they're working with Jay Park after all XD

But that Topp Dogg I wonder how it will go for them... they're in the same entertainment as Block B, so it'll either be a huge flop because of the Block B haters or a success? As you can see they wrote "One of two upcoming..." that second group is a female group.

And the last group, gosh the name XD "Oh you know the group seven nine four two" you have to memorise those freaking numbers T___T I've enough numbers to remember XD No but they seem to be a interesting group :3 *don't want to sound like a bitch so I'm playing nice here* X''D


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