DSP Boyz - Teaser

*brb dying* I've seen this clip on my "youtube dashboard", or whatever you call it... for 5 hours but I didn't notice that it was a NEW member XD I thought it was an old one >___>
But here's Seung Jin the last member~  Everyone is saying that he's the maknae ê__ê

Well I have to say that I'm oficially his fan! Everyone had awesome stage/badass/nice clothes and Seung Jin... wore sweatpants hahaha (y) XD This must the the first teaser on a idol with sweatpants because everyone usually wear tight-ass pants <-- It must be really uncomfortable O_O

Oh dear god... I'm talking about pants =_=

Update: The awkward moment when he's the leader...
Update 2: No he wasn't...
Update 3: Yes he's the makne... ADSFKJASDLJFBSDL


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