DSP Boyz - teaser

The sixth one is out, now the last member...
It's quiet hard for me to take blonde guys with abs seriously. The only one who plopps up in my head is Daesung and that clip My chonny did ("My reaction on Big Bang's fantastic baby") the word that my brain repeats is
"Tensy ÓuÓ" hahahaha XD <-- when Daesung "tense" his muscels while beeing chained =u=


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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