~Mnet Chart~

Oh I forgot to do the ~Mnet Chart~ last week so there'll be 2 charts this week XD

Woooo!!~  CN Blue on the 1st place, good job!!!
The one on number 4 seem to be a bit random... Cherry Blosson Ending, what's that? O_O And who's Busker Busker? XD Either way I'm a pure retard or that person surely is someone random...

Venus ê__ê Truth to be told I'm pretty impressed by Shinhwa. They've made a long awaited debut for all their fans and I really respect that. I don't really listen to them but I'm still impressed over the song they released, kpop fans surely are truthful ^_^
I sound like a bitch now but I'm disappointed to see B1A4's song there -__- I had high hopes for that song but it was a flop for me and the brutal use of autotune. The members have amazing voices, but everything just went sadkjsd >__>


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