S.I.M.P #49

Dam Daraaaaam~

THIS group are one of those really underrated groups out there. So far I LOVE all their songs and Music Videos. They're so uniq O__O Yes I'm talking about Sunny Hill, they're so coool~ ÒuÓ

Midnight Circus

I'm giving you the whole MV now...

I have a... thing... when it comes to Circus stuff so this was a pure amazement for me or entertaining* But it's a shame that the guy doesn't have any part at all -__- And when they pronounce Midnight Circus is a bit... weird. Sounds more like "Midnight Suckas"
Btw did you see Ki Kwang? Mehehe >:3 And the teasers for the song aslkdjfanskdjf Ga In <3 I wanted to see that part in the MV >_> The reason why I haven't uploaded this song before: It's old XD *bad excuse*


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