SNSD - Twinkle [Music Video]

Woot Woot~ It's out :3 I'm starting to love this song AND Taeyeon's voice <3__<3 It's like a... lighter version of Christina Aguilera XD

At the beginning I thought it was Onew who was the photographer but then I realised... it wasn't him. All of a sudden I see Baekhyun sitting in that beauty sallon making me a bit supicious with the photographer-guy AND THEN I see Kai and Se hun plopping up out of nowhere, and I solved the whole "who's-the-photographer-guy" jupp it's Chanyeol, Onew's kid ^ω^
Btw Kai was cute as !#%"¤!% His smile is so freaking ADORABLE!!!!!! TT^TT

And the thing I hate with the MV is... those freaking advertising thing in the bottom of the clip >_> SM Y U MAKE ME MAD?!


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