Song of the week #16

I haven't done this in two weeks, so I'll put up two songs that I've been listening to a lot these days! xD

BtoB - Imagine

Only thing that bothers me is the guys speaking at 2:52.. the way he speaks. You know, he can't really pronounce the "s" in the words. Other than that, I LOVE THIS SONG! It's so freakin' amazing. I can spend hours listening to this song O__o

NU'EST - Face

This is also one of those songs I can listen to all day. And omg, JR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GAAAAH, come to me *crazy eyes*

I seriously love these songs. 2012 has been the best year for me like.. ever! So many new songs that I love, and it's only april!! 2012 will be DAEBAK <3


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