The time...

This is one of those typical "nothing is happening in the kpop world" okay things surely happens all the time but I mean a debut, comeback, something juicy, new or anything! So that is why our blog only contains pictures for now XD Sure it's a nice rest after the bomb that came january-March (all the rookie debuts, Block B thing and so on) oh well I should stop complaining here's a funny clip with 2pm <3

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH That's the result you get when two non-100%-koreans are trying to say and answer a question XD

Nickhun: *Just reading those letters without underestanding*
Jay: ... Do you underestand it?
Nickhun: No...

ROFL XD I haven't watched every episode of Wild Bunny yet O_O I should do that...


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We're two people who are living every fangirls dream (kind off...) In our blog you'll be able to read everything from the awesome duo M2stasch (us of course) to random stuff, news and about any other groups as well. We hope that you will enjoy visiting our blog and leave with a smile on your face! ^o^ /B.R.A - Best Rapper Aevah! & Bo Bae (but you can call me Bo)

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