Wanting Minho blonde?

I saw a picture on Minho beeing blonde and went all "NO WAY?! HAS HE BEEN BLONDE BEFORE?! When...?" O_O But no he hasn't... it was just a photoshoped pictures fans made. A matter of fact a lot of fans has made photoshoped pictures on Minho beeing blonde. And a lot of fans want him to turn blonde as well... I have to say it looks good, REALLY good ÔuÔ

Check it out:


So what do you think? kasfksjdfbs pwetty right? ಠυಠ
SM should seriously consider to color his hair blonde because he fits in it soo freaking well!!! The first picture made me just melt and die...

RIGHT! I bet that SHINee, f(x) and Hana Kimi fans already knows this but IT'S OFFICIAL!!!! Minho and Sulli
are going to play the lead roles in the Korean version of Hana Kimi!!!
I really love the Japanese version so I hopa the Korean will be awesome as well, AND MINHO WILL KISS SULLI trolololololololololoolswdoignvasodj >____________>

Postat av: Greta~ ^^

''AND MINHO WILL KISS SULLI'' /kills myself forever

2012-04-29 @ 18:05:32
URL: http://guruguru.blogg.se/

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