Covers by DaehoTV

OMG.. found this kid a few months ago.. Didn't want to share his work at first, but he's to good to keep silent about!

Maroon 5 - Payphone (cover)

Daeho is on the left and Banseok is on the right. WHAT THE HELL!!! I hate falling in love with youtube celebrities -.-' Because you feel like you've got a bigger chance on them because they're not superstars.. but it's just as hard to get with them as it is with a freakin' KPOP star...

But GAAAAAH Daeho's voice T_T it's too much for me to handle.. Hahaha and since this has nothing with KPOP to do (except for them being Korean..), I decided to put up another cover they've made.

Big Bang - Monster (cover)

J.Y. Park (JYP) - You're the One (cover)

I almost perfer this cover over their "Monster" cover. Their voices are so pure and so easy to enjoy. I can't be the only one who get's like.. excited hearing them sing? ^^ 


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