I'm so freaking tired and exhausted right now o____________________o It's worse than a week at school, my little cousins are killing me, KILLING ME ;w; But they're cute ^o^ I wanted to upload a picture on them but decided to not do it. So I'm sorry~
The update will be a bit better tomorrow, BO is working right now so he can't update that much either :/
A conversation between me and my aunt's husband:
Husband: Do you know what... sometimes when I talk with people they look a bit lost, you know like I'm speaking chinese with them...
Me: Well... you are speaking chinese with them so that may be the problem?
Husband: ...
I'm so freaking tired and exhausted right now o____________________o It's worse than a week at school, my little cousins are killing me, KILLING ME ;w; But they're cute ^o^ I wanted to upload a picture on them but decided to not do it. So I'm sorry~
The update will be a bit better tomorrow, BO is working right now so he can't update that much either :/
A conversation between me and my aunt's husband:
Husband: Do you know what... sometimes when I talk with people they look a bit lost, you know like I'm speaking chinese with them...
Me: Well... you are speaking chinese with them so that may be the problem?
Husband: ...
duhh... Gosh this post is so random that my mom.... I can't even make a mama joke anymore well have a nice day or something I just wanna collaps T_________T

I'm looking at my sister everyday while repeating the same question for myself...
