G-Dragon - That XX [MV]
Was this the MV that was supposed to have an age limit at like 19+? Well.. they put beeps in the song, so I guess it's ok now? The song is honestly so good, but the beeps ruin everything -.-' And that makes me wonder.. what the hell is he singing about? It should be love, because he sings "Love is blind, oh baby you so blind". It sounds kind of funny.. "you so blind"?? Hahaha but I get what he means. So it should be about love right? But why all the bad words? And why was it supposed to have an age limit so that only people over 19 could see it?
But then again, the MV looks sad. And happy? Haha because first they look happy, then they cry and go mad.. then at the end they're together.
Yeah.. need to check the lyrics xD
But I like GD singing, but I perfer him rapping ^^
