Infinite [Dongwoo's Hidden Camera]
T3T... This is why he is my bias in Infinite. Plus that.. I just liked him because I thought he was good looking and dances really well xD But now, this is a contributing factor to the reason why my bias in Infinite is Dongwoo ^^
GAAAAH, It's just so horribly cute when he cries and can't stop and complains about how annyoing this is ^3^. And when he blows out the candles with his runny nose!! Hahaha little baby!! I think I always fall in love when I see someone cry.
Don't know if you guys remember (because I've told you like 1000 times before), but I fell in love with MBLAQ's Lee Joon after I saw his hidden camera on "Idol Army". And he cried as well.. hahaha I just love to see them feeling emotion. Because it's not that their sad. It's more like they wanted to cry before but didn't, and when they later found out it was a hidden camera, they can't keep the tears in because they kept them in for so long.. even if NOW they're not really sad anymore because they know everything was a setup.. but they just can't stop the tears. Hmm. hard to explain xD
Either way, Dongwoo is just too adorable in this video!! Haha ^^
