Haha what's up with groups using their names as the names to their songs? Boyfriend with Boyfriend. Tiny-G with Tiny-G and now K-BOYS with K-Boys.. Soon M2STASCH with M2stasch xD

What the fudge?? Hahaa omg.. This must be a budget MV. And the guys, they're not great singers, not great dancers or anything at all. They're like average. I mean, it would probably look better if they put more money into it. But it is what it is.. and it is not pretty O__o

HAHAHA and the girl?! Why is she just standing there? And shesus.. at 1:40.. only me who felt it was kind of awkward? ^^ They just stood there popping their chests xD

So the song. The song was good!! I liked it haha, but come on guys. You need to put more effort into the MV's you make. It attracts people so much more. This MV, it feel's like they filmed it with their iPhone.

So yeah.. in short. I'll give this group a chance. But don't mess up on the next MV -.-'


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