S.I.M.P #54
Long time I haven't updated my S.I.M.P... for you who didn't know or don't remind the word S.I.M.P, it stands for - Songs In My Phone. I've been founding a lot of new (old) songs that I haven't been able to discover before. B2ST has done a lot of awesome collaborations and one of them is this one:
An Jin Kyoung ft Kikwang (B2ST) - Love is pathetic
I love this song so mucho ;w; Kikwang's rap in this one is (YYY) and his engrish in the beginning was surprisingly good as well! O_O I really like that he made this collaboration because he doesn't usually have any big parts in B2ST. Doojon and Junhyung has the biggest rap parts while Yoseob and Hyunseung has the biggest singing parts. So Kikwang is like the face out in their MV's.
