Song of the week #32
YAAAY!! Another girl group this week xD This song came out a while ago, but I didn't "feel" it then. But oh boooi~ do I feel it now ^^
f(x) - Electric Shock
f(x) - Electric Shock
Don't know why, but at first I felt like this wasn't really their style. I liked the song, but felt that it was fake in a way. I hadn't really decided what kind of style they had (not that I'm the one choosing their style exactly xD). But after a while.. it didn't matter anymore O__o Plus that I love their song Danger/Pinocchio which has the same feeling to it as this song. Kind of ^^
This song either way is so addicting! Haha today when I was on the bus and listened to this song, I had to do the movements they do. And it's super embarressing because.. that's not normal hahaha xD But don't worry.. I did them very descritely ;D
