Song of the week #35
I loved this song since the first time I heard it. I mean after just 1 minute I adored this song. The reason why i didn't pick it as the "Song of the week" last week is because this song is still not in my phone. So I kind of.. forgot how much I loved it ^^
Super Junior - SPY
I just love how the mixed the goofiness with the seriousness. Because in the beginning they're like playful, but a bit more into the song it gets super serious! And then it goes goofy again xD AND THE DANCE, DAEBAK!!!
I know some people didn't like this MV because they thought it was too serious.. but I honestly love it! Sure they could have done it less serious, but that's why I like it so much. They mixed two totally different things and made it work! It's like mixing black and white. You get gray.. but SUJU got like.. PINK!! ^^

Super Junior - SPY
I just love how the mixed the goofiness with the seriousness. Because in the beginning they're like playful, but a bit more into the song it gets super serious! And then it goes goofy again xD AND THE DANCE, DAEBAK!!!
I know some people didn't like this MV because they thought it was too serious.. but I honestly love it! Sure they could have done it less serious, but that's why I like it so much. They mixed two totally different things and made it work! It's like mixing black and white. You get gray.. but SUJU got like.. PINK!! ^^
