Super Junior - Spy [Repackage album]
Read a lot about their repackage album "Spy" but I didn't really have the time to upload it. But now I have ALL the time in the world~ My relatives left a few hours ago and the first thing I did was to - sleep.

Only U
I don't know why but I'm that weird person who always tend to have really high expectation of songs having the word "Haru" in it... *breaaath* such a long sentence XD
This repackage album my dear friend is GENIUS!! HAHAHAHAHAHA Especially SPY that's just awesome! A lot of people says that it's a messy song but I actually like it. That is what I call a unique song~ The rap part at 0:40 reminded me of Gulliver, with that dark and speedy rap.
But I really like this one, Only U is so pretty ;w; and Outsider is almost as good as SPY ^^ Wonder if I should buy this album...

Postat av: ~Paula
sv; vad kul att du gillade mina fiskar lika mycket som jag :''3
Jag har tänkt lite på det hela och det känns inte riktigt rätt för mig.. men jag ville aldrig få någon att sluta lyssna på kpop, jag ville bara förklara varför jag slutade. Men jag kommer hålla mig uppdaterad genom eran blogg heheh >_> Själv var jag lite trött på att vara en misslyckat wb allkpop e.e lol
JA JA JA suprises är alltid lika roliga :DDD