Xia Junsu - Uncommited [MV]
Meh.. it wasn't entirely bad. But.. yeah haha, I don't have that much to say xD The song was O.K!!
he says in the song "She told me that I be unfaithful and I cannot believe" and "She said you can’t be committed, I said baby i dont really get it"
Dude.. what is it that you don't get?! Even in the MV he cheats on her. Haha like come on -.-' You only think you can stay commited.. but that's why you're making this song. To show how uncommited you are, no matter how commited you feel. We saw you getting all touchy with that korean girl.. that wasn't your girlfriend in this MV. Yeah!! We saw you Junsu.. O__o
haha ^^ i'm tired.. Just got out of work. GOODNIGHT GUYS!!
