EXID - Who's that girl

It's finally out~

I gave those 2 teasers some negative comments but I gotta admit that the song was catchy. It had some good parts, how the guy got mindfucked XD <3 He looked pretty funny somehow..
But it wasn't really "my thing". It was an okay song for a rookie group, if you compare EXID with SPICA, SPICA wins, big times!
Because as a rookie group you have to be careful with the song/MV. It won't really be a good start if the song/MV reminds you of other groups and this had a 2NE1 and SNSD feeling all over it, and the girl who rapped... didn't rap good at all. *random*

Who's that girl, Who's thaat giirll~

So it was okay, nothing else.


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