
A few days ago when I sat in the classroom with my group and studied I heard a familiar song. I was like who's listening to music right now, and the funny thing is that EVERYONE listen to music during class. So after concentrating a bit I heard it! It was MBLAQ's G.O.O.D. L.O.V.E I was hyped. I wanted to run around and scream like a cow: Who's listening to MBLAQ WHOOOO!?!?!?!RH!PWFBQICnsdzvpws >__>

-___-' It was my phone... *brb hiding in a corner*



I'm back... well I visited *le grandma* yesterday ^^ Funny woman~
My cousin and her boyfriend just plopped up ** No but this guy.. can't speak Swedish T___T So we had to communicat in English and my parents speaking English that's just awkward. My dad learned English in the street so you can somehow imagine how the whole thing went... But he's nice (the boyfriend) he started to talk about Iphones with me >__>
Poor guy after 2 hours everything about my relatives where revealed. (He suspects that my uncle hates him XD)

My cousin: He's gonna leave me after this ;__;

Dad: Ehh! If he doesn't leave you after this then he's one of us

Cousin: My dear now you know everything - One of my uncles hates you if you don't marry me, my second uncle (my dad) who'll kill you if you don't eat all the food on the table, my uncle's wife (my mom) who'll kill any animal entering their house and...

Me: I'm the most normal one here... *evil laugh*

hohohoohoh that was a good one XD That guy was terrified for god sake ê___ê

Postat av: Nallen^^

Är det du som är Sepideh Aref? ^__^

2012-02-12 @ 18:46:32
Postat av: Nallen^^

Ahh! I see!^^ Du känner Sandra Boox^^

Och nej jag var inte på meet upen :( Kunna inte gå D:

2012-02-12 @ 18:57:23
Postat av: Nallen^^

Till B.R.A: Såg att du var taggade på en av Booxeen's bilder XD Den hon ritat av G-Dragon xDD Den teckingen sitter på min vägg nu :D Kom och tänka på det xD

2012-02-12 @ 20:56:54

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