Don't know why but around 2 o'clock in the morning *nolifer* I suddenly got that... impulse feeling and started to "dig deep" in tha group called INFINITE~ -__-'

They're seriously awesome! A lot of songs from their 1st album are great!


Must be the best song so far T__T

You know it's stupid... Tried to memorise their name but I knew Dongwoo and Sungjong from the beginning AND THEN...


ASLKJFNASLKJF GODDAMMIT THE HECK IS THAT?! I can't tell the differece between those names and some of the members *le sadface*

Biggest problem so far: Hoya and Woohyun >____> Feel like an old hag who can't see any difference...
(L - Prettyface easy to see...)

Well that was some random naging, here's a teaser from their 1st and 2nd concert (A bit late XD It was released 2 days ago...)

Woop~ Woop~


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