Jay Park - Know Your Name

NAAAH!! Just came home and saw this!!!!!!!!!!

MEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE *blushing* damn boy! You really know how to get me all giggly ^^ The dancemoves he does at 01:25 - 01:39. No words. And the pelvic thrust he does at 01:35. I got some words for that! hahaha, and right before does dancemoves he does a "Mr. Simple" move xD Did you guys see that?!?!?! At 01:20 8D
So in short, this dude can dance! xD
And the girl in the video.. she can have him -.-' hey, hey, ladies.. at 02:55 you can clearly see that there's a Jay for each one of us ;) NO NEED TO FIGHT!

ALSO he did an alternate MV called 'Acoustic Blue Version'

Naw, this was kind of cute :)
But yet creepy O.o haha did you guys hear the 'click' sound from his phone while taking a picture of the girl? CREEP ALERT!! xD How come he's always a creep in his MV's? Did you guys see his MV for 'Girlfriend'? CREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP!! haha, but I wouldn't mind ^^

Okey, honestly, didn't see the whole thing -.-' need to sleep!!! But his ears at the beginning, haha he's like a monkey xD But in a good and cute way! 


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