Song of the week #10

This might not be such a big surprise, but because I've already chosen 'Warrior' by B.A.P and 'It's War' by MBLAQ the only new song left would be...

Block B - NalinA

Only me who really likes it when they go "EEhheeHEehHEheH"? xD
And only me who thinks that Zico kind of looks like a gorilla in that jacket? (well, everyone with that jacket in this MV looks like a gorilla. However I only know Zico's name and face and that's why I only said Zico ^^)

Haha, no, but I REEEEALLY like this song! I know I've told you guys before, but this is my kind of music! KPOP mixed with Hip Hop = MY DREAM-MUSIC

I mean, having these sexy, beautiful and talented boys singing POP/Hip Hop is really a dream come true. That is why I really like Block B and B.A.P xD OH, and let's not forget Jay Park!!! I really like him too ^^


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