Suju childhood pictures ^3^

Look what I found!!!

Leetuk *forever a dork*
Gosh Shindong was pretty small/skinny/orsomething when he was younger >__>

AKSFNASLJFKB Ryeowook a chubby kid!! XD
And Kyuhyun so cuuteee~
Is it bad if Siwon looks cuter now compared to his childhood picture T__T

Postat av: sanna

men gud, det enda som har förändrats på Donghae&Heechul är håret o.o

2012-02-09 @ 18:45:19
Postat av: Ditzy Rainbow

Aw, the girl picture of Sunmin when he was younger.. XD

2012-02-27 @ 14:05:22

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