This weeks U.P.A.H.I

Gonna start this post with some complaints. I've been sleeping really bad these past few days because I've been watching running man like an idiot *no regrets* and I've fallen in love with more people (<-- not really fall in love in that way -.-) Daesung from Big Bang is one of them >:3

And this guy is also one of "those" people: MAX, CHANGMIN!!

hohoho maknae flesh~ *creeper mode - ON*

Dunno why but during my "kpop rookie months" (best thing I could come up with right now...) I thought.. he looks weird. He has some facial features that's quiet unique, or something. But after Running Man that BAM thing hit me and that BAM was "He looks really good actually... he looks really good O__O" And that big giggle laugh he do TT__TT To be honest his way of laughing are quiet similiar to a girl having pms, it goes up and down (<-- the volume of his laugh)

I don't even make a sound when I laugh -_- I can't get enough air when I laugh so it leads to me trying to gasp for air... but fails so there isn't any sound.


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